Rev. Ike’s Secrets For Health, Joy and Prosperity,

For You: Science Of Living Study Guide



Another tragedy, another trauma, another time for us to remember Truth. We have so little time to recover from one catastrophe before being emotionally bludgeoned again.  Duante Wright, 20 years old! Murdered by a police officer who ostensibly mistook her gun for a taser. Another Black man left lying on the ground even as justice for George Floyd continues to play out in the courtroom. So grateful for this study group! With ASC, Inc. you can always get a better thought and a higher vibration.



In chapters 25 and 26, we focused on knowing the truth of our being and allowing that truth to ‘bring us home’ no matter how far we may have strayed. Sometimes you lose your way [in consciousness] as a human being living under human conditions. If you are not mindful, you will get lost in the weeds of worry and fear.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free [John 8:32].

So, what exactly is this so-called “truth”? First of all, it is a really big deal, so let’s capitalize it – Truth. One of the best ways to understand Truth is to experience it! Therefore, at the beginning of our session we created a rampage of joy in which we energetically expressed our Truth. Later in the evening we named some of the songs that make us feel joyful. 

Listening to music and active praising can elevate or sustain a frequency of love and joy.



Key Spiritual Principle

The truth of you is God, Infinite Good. The truth of you is perfection. You may go away from this truth in consciousness as the Prodigal Son did, but the truth of you, the Infinite Goodness of you, will not change.


In this lesson Rev. Ike teaches the difference between Truthand Fact.” Here are a few examples. See if you can add some original statements. 

(Rev. Ike) You can be physically sick (Fact).

                  You are health (Truth)


(original) You may be racially profiled (Fact).

               You are liberated and powerful (Truth)


According to Rev. Ike, there are no poor people, just people who do not know the truth of their riches in God.

ASC, Inc. wants everyone to know the Truth of who they are, and ASC, Inc. honors all paths. All paths lead us home. Whether you are part of an organized religious group or not, it is up to each of us to “come to God” in our own way.

“To come to God is to come to yourself.”

Come into your Power. . . Come into your Unlimited Goodness. . .Come into your Freedom.

Remember, you are always the Father’s son – – and daughter.


 Chapter 25 – PRAISE THE LORD!

Key Spiritual Principle

The more you praise the Lord, the more you will have to praise the Lord about.


As we engaged in our “rampage of joy” together, we felt uplifted and . . . well . . . joyful.

Praise multiplies our blessings, and who doesn’t want more of that? You do not serve the suffering of the world collective by increasing your own suffering. No amount of your sadness or self-sacrifice will help inspire another person. Since energy is all there is, you can do a lot more good for others by keeping your own vibrational frequency high.

Use your thoughts and your words to “give thanks for the goodness of God within.” Praise the unlimited abundance of God, whether you can see it with your physical eyes or not.

Say these words –

 “My cup runs over!” 

 “I am standing under the spout where my blessings are pouring out!”

Never say these words

 “I don’t have any money.”

Re-phrase this statement to –

 “I see myself having all the money that I need, through the Presence and Power of God-in-me.”