What We Do
Service Projects
ASC engages in Sacred Service which is the giving of our time, talent and money to organizations or persons for the joy of giving without any anticipated return. Engaging in serving others, we affirm the generous, loving Presence of the Divine expressing in, through and as us. Sacred Service is an important spiritual practice and can be easily practiced in many large and small ways. It is a powerful way to knit a community together in love and connection.
Charitable Giving
Our charitable donations are gifts of cash or goods made to nonprofit organizations to help them accomplish their goals and objectives. ASC has contributed to Nicolas House and the Atlanta Mission, both of which work to eradicate homelessness in Atlanta. Unlocking Futures is another organization committed to transforming the lives of disadvantaged youth away from violence and gangs. It offers programs that increase self-esteem through education, compassionate mentoring, and support.

Spiritual Study
ASC has been meeting weekly since 2009, reading a multitude of spiritually oriented books. We engage in inspiring discussions that are enthusiastic, rewarding, and elevating. These sessions result in a greater understanding of spiritual principals and laws There is a listing of our books under the Quick Info tab ‘Book Study’ for your perusal. If you’d like to participate via Zoom send us your contact information on the ‘Get Involved’ page. We’d love to have you!
Meditation & Mindfulness
Meditation is a practice that uses techniques like sound therapy, mindfulness, or focusing on specific objects or thoughts to train attention and achieve a clear, calm, and stable mental state. ASC believes in the spiritual practice of meditation due to its numerous benefits. It brings a sense of calm, peace, and balance, benefiting both emotional well-being and overall health. It serves as a tool for relaxation and stress management by redirecting attention to calming elements. We prioritize meditation as the most important daily activity, treating it like a crucial appointment and consistently honoring our commitment to the Infinite. ASC participates in weekly meditations prior to each book study session.

Higher Education Scholarships
We support our youth as they navigate their future through attaining higher education. We offer scholarships to high school graduates desiring to attend college or other vocational training programs. We understand that college is not for all so we support those pursuing careers in the medical field, mechanics, technology, and more. We have provided scholarships to Atlanta high schools assisting those students that may be less advantaged towards achieving their goals.
Charitable Giving
Our charitable donations are gifts of cash or property made to a nonprofit organization to help them accomplish their goals and objectives. ASC has contributed to Nicolas House and the Atlanta Mission which both organizations help to eradicate homelessness in Atlanta. Also to Unlocking Futures, committed to transforming the lives of disadvantaged youth from violence and gang members, offers programs that increases self-esteem through education, compassionate mentoring and support.
Spiritual Study
ASC has been meeting weekly, for 12 years, reading a multitude of spiritually oriented books. We engage in inspiring discussions that are enthusiastic, rewarding, and elevating. These sessions result in a greater understanding of spiritual principals and laws There is a listing of our books under the Quick Info tab ‘Book Study’ for your perusal. If you’d like to participate via Zoom send us your contact information on the ‘Get Involved’ page. We’d love to have you!
Meditation & Mindfulness
ASC believes in the spiritual practice of meditation due to the many benefits. Meditation gives one a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. One can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help one learn to stay centered and keep inner peace. A most useful approach to meditation is to consider it the most important activity of each day. Schedule it as you would an extremely important appointment, and unfailingly keep your appointment with the Infinite. Individually we meditate regularly, host meditation sessions during our book study weekly, and come together at various times for group sessions.
Higher Education Scholarships
We support our youth as they navigate their future through attaining higher education.
We offer scholarships to high school graduates desiring to attend college or those that have chosen a career in other areas. We understand that college is not for all so we support those pursuing careers in the medical field, mechanics, technology, and more. We have provided scholarships to inner city Atlanta high schools assisting those students, that may be less advantaged, towards achieving their goals.

Workshops & Classes
ASC hosts workshops and classes on different spiritual principles. If you are being introduced to these teachings for the first time, you are sure to experience something new and fresh as you tap into the universal principles of Truth. ASC partners with other spiritual organizations i.e., The Stillpoint Group and recognized spiritual leaders, to facilitate these workshops. For example, a class on the Four Agreements and A Course in Mysticism covering the teachings of Howard Thurman were some of our offerings. We encourage you to stay abreast of our offerings and sign up early.

Community Events
Throughout the year we gather at various events as a group to enjoy each other’s company and provide support to the community. We’ve held holiday events, gone to movies, plays, and hosted picnics. We enjoy having fun!

Funding Sources
Our funding sources at Atlanta Spiritual Community (ASC) are diverse, encompassing contributions and tithing donations from the general public, as well as generous support from attendees of our charitable activities and spiritual study meetings. We deeply appreciate the kindness and generosity of our community, as these funds enable us to provide assistance to various organizations, groups, and individuals in need.
Support for Nonprofit Organizations
ASC Sacred Service Projects allow us to assist with many worthwhile causes around Metro Atlanta and beyond. It is our honor to volunteer and donate our time, financial support and resources to the following organizations: